For this baby, my parents were the first to come to help out and meet the new family member. Jordan's mom and dad were the first to meet and greet Jonas 3 years ago.
So, of course, West coast style, my parents had to wait until the day after Karina was born due to high winds and ferry cancellations. Funny how things work out because we found it nice to have that first partial day to ourselves to unpack and settle back at home. We weren't discharged from the hospital until later in the afternoon after Karina's birth. It was nice, though, because I got the chance to rest and take a few showers without worrying about cleaning up after myself.
We settled in at home and my parents arrived as we were waking up the next morning!! It was a nice surprise to have them there so early and they brought some snacks and chocolate (Easter weekend!!!) and some presents for Karina and Jonas. It was very festive and I was feeling great. I did not have much pain after the birth - just an achy back and some strong after pains around my belly and lower gut area (the uterus shrinking very quickly!).
Karina slept ALOT those first few days and I swear my parents only saw her awake a handful of times. She only really nursed every 3-5 hours, but I was not concerned as she was filling up her diapers with gusto and a postpartum Midwife appointment confirmed her weight gain.
My parents entertained Jonas and took him out and about. They made us some meals and hung out as we rested and recuperated. Our very thoughtful friends had us over for a turkey dinner and we got some great little pink sleepers etc - Thanks to the Fabien's and Ruff's! We felt very well taken care of!
My parents left after the long weekend and the next day I became so engorged! My milk had come in already but now it was coming full force and Karina could not drink it all! She was still sleeping all the time and only feeding every 3 or so hours. My nipples were beginning to get sore and I organized myself so that I was pumping a little and using ice packs and cabbage leaves. I was very diligent but I was in alot of pain and couldn't believe this was happening to second time mom! I nursed Jonas for 2.5 years and I thought there would not be any problems breastfeeding a second time. I was wrong. It was like starting all over again. teaching Karina how to latch and trying to figure out why my nipples were so sore and why Karina was making a clicking sound at each suck. I also began nursing on one breast only for 5 hours because I was overflowing! It was a really difficult 3 or 4 days and I needed to take alot of Tylenol and ibuprofen. I had abit of relief and healed slowly.
A week after Karina was born, Jordan's mom came over from the Island to help out. Having taken the week off, Jordan needed to finnish off a paper and prepare for a presentation for the following week. Janet stayed for the week and made our dinners, cleaned the house, shopped and took care of Jonas on the days he was not in school. I was feeling quite tired that week and I was still dealing with sore breasts. The timing couldn't have been better and she helped us out tremendously and all of the support we have collectively received has helped us get off on the right foot - well rested and healthy and school work successfully completed. Jordan has taken a week off and then he will get back to his thesis and also hopefully line up more research money for his PhD.
Aside from difficulties with soreness, mothering a second time has been really easy. Barely an adjustment. Jordan is totally confident and often puts Karina to sleep. Jonas has welcomed his little sister beautifully and loves to talk with her and watch her diapers being changed - he calls her milk poos 'flat poos' and really gets a kick out of her 'blowouts'. She has had all of her baths with her brother and one of us and she is very mellow and observant and seems to enjoy being with everyone while bathing.
Karina is a little more alert these days, but still prefers sleeping to anything else. Jonas liked nursing more than anything else. He fed every two hours whereas Karina can go for 4 hours without a feed. She is also able to settle easily without a huge need for sucking. Totally opposite of Jonas so this is all very new for us. Many times now, in the evening, after an alert period, she will nurse and then I will lay her beside me in our bed and we look at each other, side by side and I slowly close my eyes, blinking sometimes and watching her and she copies me until she is actually asleep! She begins to close her eyes when she thinks that I am sleeping - but if I open them abruptly then she wakes up fully.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Karina's Birth
After meeting up with my Midwife two Thursdays ago, I decided to do some Easter shopping on my way home. After some chocolate purchases I decided to pick out a little baby girl Easter sleeper. I thought, well, since I don't have a single item of baby girl clothing and since this would be a wonderful weekend to birth a baby, I might as well be prepared in case I actually have a girl. Just in case. Purchase justified, I headed home.
Wondered around the house for abit, deciding against doing any dishes and decided instead to have a nap beside Jordan as he worked away on his computer. I awoke from light sleep with the feeling that I had peed myself and quickly went to the bathroom. With all the baby pressure on my bladder I couldn't be sure what had happened. I was definitely leaking. I called Jordy and told her and she laughed and said, you know that's what women say when their water has broken, that they think its just pee. I still wasn't sure. But when I continued leaking I figured something was up and told Jordan. I told him that he needed to finnish up his work and wrap it up for the weekend because my water had probably broken and a baby might be coming this weekend!
About an hour later it was 5pm and I asked Jordan to do the dishes (I still hadn't done them and they had piled up that day) because my contractions had started and I needed to focus on getting some last minute stuff together. So far the contractions had only just started and they were 6-7 minutes apart at 30-45 seconds long. I called my Midwife to let her know that things had begun to move and that I was beginning labour. Jordan picked up Jonas from school and we all hung out together on the couch and decided to stay at home until my contractions became more uncomfortable. Jordan picked up a couple of rib dinners and we all ate dinner and I told Jonas that the baby had decided that it was ready to come and that soon we would be heading to Soren and Andrea's house so that we could be close to the hospital.
I kept busy between contractions because I felt really restless - so I packed a bag for Jonas and straightened out my room and we slowly made our way to the car. I think we made it to Soren's place by 9pm. I was quite relaxed and for each contraction I just leaned against the ball or the wall and tried to relax my body as much as possible during the contraction. Not always possible during the entire 45 seconds but definitely for part of them. I decided to retreat into the bedroom for abit because I was beginning to feel a little distracted by Jonas, Jordan and Soren. I got on the phone with my sister and chatted for awhile. For each contraction I needed to put the phone down and focus. Soon the time came when I was no longer comfortable talking on the phone and my contractions were beginning to feel much more intense. I hadn't been doing much timing - I was going more on intuition for this labour. I said goodbye to Ashleigh and went and had a contraction in the bathroom. At this point they were getting big and I needed Jordan now. I figured we could be together in the bathroom for abit and he could massage me and maybe I would even have a shower. Soren played with Jonas and Jordan joined me. But within a couple of contractions Jordan figured it was time to call the Midwife and start moving along to the hospital. I was a little shocked that everything had moved so quickly but agreed to make the call. I was beginning to shake and my legs were beginning to bend alot during each contraction. Candace was already at the hospital so she asked us to meet her there. WIthin a few minutes we were in admitting at Women's Hospital and if you can believe it, all the beds were full. The usual hospital policy is to go through admitting where a nurse or your Midwife will check you dilation - they do not want women in early labour using up the beds in labour and delivery. It was fairly obvious that I was in deep labour and I was even squatting a little so after checking my blood pressure, Candace convinced whoever is in charge to let me through. I was in a completely different world but knew enough about what was going on around me to kind of laugh (in my mind) and think 'is this for freaking real?? what a crazy thing to be in such labour and have to go through admitting - I felt sorry for all those first time mothers in admitting and not officially dilated enough to get a bed!' ugh. I can see how this situation could close up your cervix and slow your labour for many women - especially those who have a random nurse checking them and their doctor is nowhere to be seen. At least it is more comfortable with your midwife whom you know and have a trusting relationship with!
Luckily we were assigned to one of the nicer labour and delivery rooms and Candace wheeled me away and what I remember is how nice the wind felt on my face - we were moving fast. Everything from this point on moved at lightning speed, as I was told later. Karina was born an hour after we arrived at the hospital!
Being in my own world, I completely fell into myself. Its so hard to explain but its the most amazing state to be in. I was just body and spirit. There was no fear, I felt completely safe. I felt joy. I let my body do what it needed to move that baby down and out.
I was 5 cms dilated and that was the first and only time Candace checked me. Jordan was right at my side as contractions came closer together and Jordy (my friend and Doula) arrived minutes after we were settled. I think she got me some water as I knew I was a little dehydrated. I was also given an IV in case I needed oxytocin if I were to have another bleed like I did after Jonas was born.
Soon I had a huge puke that seems to happen to many women in transition (the last few cms of dilation are usually the most intense part of labour). After the huge puke, I remember Candace saying - I bet she's fully dilated after that! Well, soon after I felt the urge to push and 15 minutes later Karina was born! I went from pushing sideways on the bed to being on all fours because the heart rate had been lost (I think) and there was the need to quickly find it again. So out my baby came and she was swiftly brought to me between my legs where I looked down, moved the umbilical cord out of the way and declared that it was a girl! What an amazing moment! I turned around and held her to my belly and watched her in awe. She watched me and all was good. The umbilical cord was left unclamped as I had requested and we just stayed in the moment. A while later my placenta had not delivered and I had a bleed which was quickly brought under control with an IV of oxytocin. The OB came to coax the placenta out and all was good. Jordy took many many photos (thanks girl!), Jordan held Karina and snuggled her into his bare chest and much later we had her weighed and checked. She was perfect and had her first meal a couple of hours after birth.
Wondered around the house for abit, deciding against doing any dishes and decided instead to have a nap beside Jordan as he worked away on his computer. I awoke from light sleep with the feeling that I had peed myself and quickly went to the bathroom. With all the baby pressure on my bladder I couldn't be sure what had happened. I was definitely leaking. I called Jordy and told her and she laughed and said, you know that's what women say when their water has broken, that they think its just pee. I still wasn't sure. But when I continued leaking I figured something was up and told Jordan. I told him that he needed to finnish up his work and wrap it up for the weekend because my water had probably broken and a baby might be coming this weekend!
About an hour later it was 5pm and I asked Jordan to do the dishes (I still hadn't done them and they had piled up that day) because my contractions had started and I needed to focus on getting some last minute stuff together. So far the contractions had only just started and they were 6-7 minutes apart at 30-45 seconds long. I called my Midwife to let her know that things had begun to move and that I was beginning labour. Jordan picked up Jonas from school and we all hung out together on the couch and decided to stay at home until my contractions became more uncomfortable. Jordan picked up a couple of rib dinners and we all ate dinner and I told Jonas that the baby had decided that it was ready to come and that soon we would be heading to Soren and Andrea's house so that we could be close to the hospital.
I kept busy between contractions because I felt really restless - so I packed a bag for Jonas and straightened out my room and we slowly made our way to the car. I think we made it to Soren's place by 9pm. I was quite relaxed and for each contraction I just leaned against the ball or the wall and tried to relax my body as much as possible during the contraction. Not always possible during the entire 45 seconds but definitely for part of them. I decided to retreat into the bedroom for abit because I was beginning to feel a little distracted by Jonas, Jordan and Soren. I got on the phone with my sister and chatted for awhile. For each contraction I needed to put the phone down and focus. Soon the time came when I was no longer comfortable talking on the phone and my contractions were beginning to feel much more intense. I hadn't been doing much timing - I was going more on intuition for this labour. I said goodbye to Ashleigh and went and had a contraction in the bathroom. At this point they were getting big and I needed Jordan now. I figured we could be together in the bathroom for abit and he could massage me and maybe I would even have a shower. Soren played with Jonas and Jordan joined me. But within a couple of contractions Jordan figured it was time to call the Midwife and start moving along to the hospital. I was a little shocked that everything had moved so quickly but agreed to make the call. I was beginning to shake and my legs were beginning to bend alot during each contraction. Candace was already at the hospital so she asked us to meet her there. WIthin a few minutes we were in admitting at Women's Hospital and if you can believe it, all the beds were full. The usual hospital policy is to go through admitting where a nurse or your Midwife will check you dilation - they do not want women in early labour using up the beds in labour and delivery. It was fairly obvious that I was in deep labour and I was even squatting a little so after checking my blood pressure, Candace convinced whoever is in charge to let me through. I was in a completely different world but knew enough about what was going on around me to kind of laugh (in my mind) and think 'is this for freaking real?? what a crazy thing to be in such labour and have to go through admitting - I felt sorry for all those first time mothers in admitting and not officially dilated enough to get a bed!' ugh. I can see how this situation could close up your cervix and slow your labour for many women - especially those who have a random nurse checking them and their doctor is nowhere to be seen. At least it is more comfortable with your midwife whom you know and have a trusting relationship with!
Luckily we were assigned to one of the nicer labour and delivery rooms and Candace wheeled me away and what I remember is how nice the wind felt on my face - we were moving fast. Everything from this point on moved at lightning speed, as I was told later. Karina was born an hour after we arrived at the hospital!
Being in my own world, I completely fell into myself. Its so hard to explain but its the most amazing state to be in. I was just body and spirit. There was no fear, I felt completely safe. I felt joy. I let my body do what it needed to move that baby down and out.
I was 5 cms dilated and that was the first and only time Candace checked me. Jordan was right at my side as contractions came closer together and Jordy (my friend and Doula) arrived minutes after we were settled. I think she got me some water as I knew I was a little dehydrated. I was also given an IV in case I needed oxytocin if I were to have another bleed like I did after Jonas was born.
Soon I had a huge puke that seems to happen to many women in transition (the last few cms of dilation are usually the most intense part of labour). After the huge puke, I remember Candace saying - I bet she's fully dilated after that! Well, soon after I felt the urge to push and 15 minutes later Karina was born! I went from pushing sideways on the bed to being on all fours because the heart rate had been lost (I think) and there was the need to quickly find it again. So out my baby came and she was swiftly brought to me between my legs where I looked down, moved the umbilical cord out of the way and declared that it was a girl! What an amazing moment! I turned around and held her to my belly and watched her in awe. She watched me and all was good. The umbilical cord was left unclamped as I had requested and we just stayed in the moment. A while later my placenta had not delivered and I had a bleed which was quickly brought under control with an IV of oxytocin. The OB came to coax the placenta out and all was good. Jordy took many many photos (thanks girl!), Jordan held Karina and snuggled her into his bare chest and much later we had her weighed and checked. She was perfect and had her first meal a couple of hours after birth.

Monday, April 5, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
No, the little one isn't here yet, but I am feeling a little blessed to have this day to myslef. Jonas got over his fever within 3 days and neither Jordan or I got any sickness. Jonas missed daycare on Monday and Tuesday while he recouperated. Wednesday found us at the library and doing some gardening in the yard. By the evening Jonas was getting more and more difficult and this is always the part of Jonas and sickness that I hate. The aftermath. While he is sick he is a little angel, but when he is finally better he becomes clingy for me, demanding, whiney and overall there can be quite a few tears throughout the day. I was exhausted by the evening and Jordan put Jonas to bed. This morning I called his school and asked if there was an opening for him and yes there was! I felt blessed and I really felt like I needed today to just rest and take care of some things before the long weekend. This also gives Jordan a chance to work on some research and really get ahead today because I am not too sure how this weekend will turn out. haha.
I met with my midwife today and all is well and ready to go. The little one is at -1 in my pelvis. A little lower than I had thought originally since I am definitely feeling more discomfort and sensitivity in my ribs than in my pelvis. Baby must be long because I never felt these sensations in my ribs with Jonas. Sometimes I feel like the baby will birth through my solar plexis than my vagina!
I met with my midwife today and all is well and ready to go. The little one is at -1 in my pelvis. A little lower than I had thought originally since I am definitely feeling more discomfort and sensitivity in my ribs than in my pelvis. Baby must be long because I never felt these sensations in my ribs with Jonas. Sometimes I feel like the baby will birth through my solar plexis than my vagina!

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