Jonas will be 4 when he wakes up tomorrow.
4 years ago tonight I was in labour for the first time and I can still feel the excitement and giddiness of it all. How safe and cared for I felt in those hours leading up to Jonas's arrival.
Back labour, in childs pose, for hours and hours at Grandma Janet's house - first in the spare room, then her bedroom and finally her bathroom. I will forever remember driving myself to the ferry, sipping tea and chatting between contractions with Janet and waiting for Jordan to come back from falling. He must have been so tired at the end. Actually maybe he was just doing some survey work in the forest that day. Regardless, I had left a note for him that I would be heading into town because I was in labour!
It all went by so quickly and then Jonas arrived with his calm little body and the owl noises he made when he looked up at us and those first moment he came out - I was sitting on Jordans lap as he came out and when he was immediately brought up to us, we both laughed so hard and I don't know how often that happens just moments after birth, but Jordan's parents were waiting downstairs and they said they could hear us laughing.
And after some ohhing and ahhing Jordan had to hold Jonas because I bled a little too much and was soon whisked off to the hospital for observation although I was stable before I even left the house. Better to be safe. Luckily Jonas was snuggled in nice and close for all of the transport.
I guess I am a little nostalgic tonight. Right now, Jordan is putting Jonas to bed, Karina already sleeping since 7PM and I am baking mini vanilla and pumpkin/choco cupcakes for Jonas's classmates for tomorrow and also a little cake for our dinner with Uncle Soren and Andrea tomorrow evening. He will have his party at the Gymnastics club on the weekend. Lots of fun!